Designed for establishments that have NOT received guidance from governments and associations on how to “Open”
Designed for establishments that have NOT received guidance from governments and associations on how to “Open”
Office buildings
Small Manufacturing Plants
Establish a written policy
Establish procedures to identify applicable exposure hazards
Establish procedures for the creation of applicable guidelines and protocols
Ensure training and competence of personnel
Effectively implement the guidelines and protocols
Create an Infection Prevention and Control Policy that is established, authorized, and visibly supported by the organization’s management. The IPC Policy should be appropriate for the type of establishment and include a commitment to reduce the risk of exposure to the organization’s interested parties as well as a commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements, protocols, and guidelines.
To be effective, the IPC Policy should be documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all personnel.
In order to communicate to all the organization’s intentions, it should be publicly available.
Establish procedures for the identification of infection hazards and exposure risks. The identification will include hazards that the establishment can control and those that it can influence its activities, products, and services.
This identification will include hazards and exposure risks for all persons including employees, contractors, suppliers, visitors, and clients.
Establish procedures to identify and have access to the applicable protocols, guidelines and legal requirements applicable to the establishment. These protocols and guidelines might have been recommended by OSHA, trade associations, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), or local, state, or federal agencies.
These guidelines and protocols are the main controls to be established by the establishment.
Implement the applicable guidelines and protocols to its operations and ensure that they are available:
To ensure that activities are done following the recommended guidelines and protocols.
The establishment will ensure that any controls applicable to visitors or customers are easily and clearly communicated to them.